Food Security

How to feed the world in 2050: actions in a changing climate

World Scientists Urge Key Actions for Achieving Food Security in a Changing Climate…  To achieve food security in a changing climate, the global community must operate within three limits: the quantity of food that can be produced under a given climate; the quantity needed by a growing and changing population; and the effect of food […]

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Ethiopia Food Insecurity 2010

Despite efforts from the Ethiopian Government and from the farmers community, Ethiopia remains highlyvulnerable to severe and chronic food security as a result (to a large extent) of its geographical location in avery hot and arid part of Africa, the Horn of Africa. In Ethiopia, agriculture still accounts for 80 per cent of allemployment. Most

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Climate Change’s Impact On World’s Future Food Supply

An infographic released by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization details the impact climate change will have global food production in the decades to come. The Inforgraphic… Subscribe to The Daily Conversation the conversation on Facebook…Add TDC to your circles on Google+…Follow The Daily Conversation on Twitter

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Horn of Africa food crisis

The Ethiopian government and its humanitarian partners in the country say nearly 5 million people require emergency food-aid this year, outside the governments own safety net programme. An additional 1.2 million mothers and children under five there will require supplementary feeding. The International Federations Addis Ababa-based operations team is now working with the Ethiopian Red

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The Global Food Crisis

We developed this short video as a way of communicating an important message in a simple way – our food system is broken. We need to fix it. Our central issue today is not the global financial crisis but whether we can produce enough food for civilisation to survive when faced with a rising population,

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More Food Doesn’t Solve World Hunger

Learn more:… Increasing agricultural productivity doesn’t guarantee access to food for the hungry. The Pulitzer Center sees the urgency of uncovering causes of today’s food security issues, as our staff interviews two renown experts in the field. In this video, Danielle Nierenberg, a director of Nourishing the Planet project at Worldwatch Institute and Michael Kugelman,

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Partnering for Food Security

Swiss Re believes that the “Partnering for food security” narrative can play a pivotal role in helping to build a more resilient society. To communicate this complex topic in an understandable way we have adopted an animated, story-telling approach. The film provides a taste of the challenges associated with food security, food safety, food waste…

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