More Food Doesn’t Solve World Hunger

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Increasing agricultural productivity doesn’t guarantee access to food for the hungry. The Pulitzer Center sees the urgency of uncovering causes of today’s food security issues, as our staff interviews two renown experts in the field.

In this video, Danielle Nierenberg, a director of Nourishing the Planet project at Worldwatch Institute and Michael Kugelman, a South Asia associate at Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars discuss the misconceptions many have towards solving the world’s food security issues. The Green Revolution may lead to greater yields, but it erodes arable farmland, which decreases agricultural productivity in the long term. Meanwhile, food prices are rising, and the poor remain unable to obtain enough food for themselves and their families. Such issue is prevalent in countries like Pakistan and India, where people kill themselves or their children out of shame of not being able to feed the family.

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