Asia Pacific

Small Philippines Town Creates Innovative Disaster Warning System

Find more Earth Focus content at nearly wiped out by a landslide, a town in the Philippines finds a new way to manage natural disasters. More than 70 percent of St. Bernard and the surrounding area are highly vulnerable to flash floods, tsunamis, storms, and landslides, but there was no warning system in place until […]

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The Tweet Next Door: Hyperlocal Social Media and Resilience

A study of feed-back loops and self-organization In 2013, Typhoon Haiyan swept through the Philippines ,  affecting the lives of 14 million people.  The events, during and after the storm, have played out on a world-wide stage through millions of tweets, photos and updates on social media. In the same year comScore Report on Global Internet Usage reveals the following: Southeast Asia owns

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Community-Based Landslide Early Warning System

R3ADY Asia-Pacific, in collaboration with University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Pacific Disaster Center (PDC), and University of Hawai’i’s Social Science Research Institute (SSRI), is working to develop an end-to-end framework that better links community-based and national disaster risk reduction efforts, using UGM’s community-based landslide risk assessment and landslide early warning system as the case study.

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Trans-Boundary Community Based Flood Early Warning System by PGVS

Indo-Nepal Trans-Boundary Community Based Early Warning System is a cohesive attribute that empowers communities to move forward with communism and socialism favoring life and not borders. People who face the problem of flood every year can now cope up with their life and empower themselves with CBFEWS. These people are generally located at Terai region

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Risk governance for a resilient tsunami early warning system in Indonesia…for more information and to download the presentation. This presentation examines tsunami risk resilience through an analysis of systems of governance, their architecture, and actor-agent perspectives, concentrating on the development of a Tsunami Early Warning System (TEWS) in Indonesia. A novel conceptual framework for EWS Governance is developed and employed to structure inquiry, and analyse

Risk governance for a resilient tsunami early warning system in Indonesia Read More »

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