
Past disaster eventsEM-DAT listing of disaster events in AustraliaDisaster statistics from UN-ISDR and CREDRisk country profile from Index for Risk ManagementDisaster response and management data from ReliefWebGovernment policiesHFA Progress Reports, government plans, and government statements – Cross + civil societyIFRC appeals and info bulletins for Australia

Building capacities: Community and branch development

Building Capacities: Best Practices in Asia Pacific (4/5) Red Cross and Red Crescent societies mobilize people at community level to improve the lives of the vulnerable. They achieve this by involving them in planning services that meet their own identified needs and building their long-term strengths to manage themselves.  This film contains many examples of

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Disaster Resilience Capacities

A paper presented to the Australia and New Zealand Disaster Management Conference in May 2014 on the development of four disaster resilience capacities: wellbeing, knowledge, security and connection. Aim of the paper: This paper suggests a number of disaster resilience capacities and the factors that contribute to them. These broad capacities have at their core an understanding of the

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Improving the Assessment of Disaster Risks to Strengthen Financial Resilience: A Special Joint G20 Publication by the Government of Mexico and the World Bank

Responding to a G20 request, the Improving the Assessment of Disaster Risks to Strengthen Financial Resilience: A Special Joint G20 Publication by the Government of Mexico and the World Bank brings together the experiences of G20 countries in protecting their populations and assets against natural hazards. It includes contributions by fifteen G20 members and invited countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil,

Improving the Assessment of Disaster Risks to Strengthen Financial Resilience: A Special Joint G20 Publication by the Government of Mexico and the World Bank Read More »

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