Guidance material

Icon Gallery

Each national society has the option of creating an icon for their app or to use a default icon.  This icon will appear on the iOS or Android device after it is installed.  It must be 1024 x 1024 and saved in png format. This document features a number of the icons used by national […]

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Icon Guide

Each national society has the option of creating an icon for their app or to use a default icon.  This icon will appear on the iOS or Android device after it is installed.  It must be 1024 x 1024 and saved in png format. This paper will guide you in creating one.

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Heatwaves and Health: Guidance on Warning-System Development

Heatwaves are among the most dangerous of natural hazards, but rarely receive adequate attention. They often lack the spectacular and sudden violence of other hazards, such as tropical cyclones or flash floods. Even the related death tolls are not always immediately obvious. For example, the European heatwaves in the northern hemisphere summer of 2003 were

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Mobile Application Marketing Toolkit: Best Practices & Guidelines

This purpose of this marketing guide is to help you to promote the app in your country in order to spread the word about its availability and to encourage users to install it in order to empower millions to save lives with preparedness for first aid and natural hazard emergencies. This training guide aims to support your national society

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Social Capital Infographics

While there is an abundance of definitions of social capital, most of them share a focus on social relations that have productive benefits. Robert Putnam, who is one of the key authors associated with promoting the concept of social capital, defines it as “features of social organization, such as networks, norms, and social trust that

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Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and other Special Needs

For the millions of Americans who have physical, medical, sensory or cognitive disabilities, emergencies such as fires, floods and acts of terrorism present a real challenge. The same challenge also applies to the elderly and other special needs populations. Protecting yourself and your family when disaster strikes requires planning ahead. This booklet will help you

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Disaster and Financial Planning

Disaster preparedness begins with a well-crafted personal financial plan based on your family’s values and goals. Ideally, you should develop a financial strategy with the help of professionals such as your family attorney and a financial specialist. These professionals can help you make informed, thoughtful decisions about your family’s present and future financial activities. Every

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Shelter After Disaster

Background In 1975, the newly formed Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator (UNDRO) (a predecessor of UNOCHA) led the first UN study of Shelter After Disaster. This research project  investigated the issues of sheltering after a disaster and published a series of practical guidelines for assisting groups that included UN agencies, governments and

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