Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management

Integrated Coastal Community Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction in Demak, Central Java

In Demak, Central Java, natural forces exacerbated by human activities have escalated coastal erosion to the point of damaging the ecological system and jeopardizing opportunities for socio-economic activities in coastal areas.  To mitigate the impact of coastal hazards and strengthen community resilience, the Indonesian Red Cross/Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI), with support from international partners, implemented […]

Integrated Coastal Community Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction in Demak, Central Java Read More »

Youth-led actions for more resilient schools and communities: Mapping of School Safety approaches and Youth in School Safety training for youth facilitators

National Societies have been implementing a wide range of school-based, youth-led actions geared toward disaster risk reduction, first aid, hygiene and health promotion, water and sanitation, road safety, and youth empowerment.  With guidance from IFRC, the RCRC Southeast Asia Youth Network (SEAYN) took the lead in piloting the Youth in School Safety program, which trained

Youth-led actions for more resilient schools and communities: Mapping of School Safety approaches and Youth in School Safety training for youth facilitators Read More »

Building partnerships to engage communities in preparedness and early warning systems in the Pacific

Between 2014 and 2016, Red Cross National Societies worked with communities, governments, and regional organizations to develop and implement an “early warning early action” approach in eight island nations in the Pacific.  The Finnish-Pacific (or FINPAC) project brought together relevant stakeholders at the regional, national, island, community, and household levels to develop community early warning

Building partnerships to engage communities in preparedness and early warning systems in the Pacific Read More »

الاستعداد للاستجابة الفعالة

الاستعداد للاستجابة الفعالة هو نهج دوري يتيح للجمعية الوطنية أن تقوم بشكلٍ منتظم بتقييم وقياس وتحليل نقاط القوة والضعف في نظام الاستجابة الخاص بها من أجل اتخاذ إجراءات تصحيحية. يضع نهج الاستعداد للاستجابة الفعّالة الجمعية الوطنية في مركز القيادة لوضع خطة عمل ستؤدي عند تنفيذها إلى تعزيز قدرتها العامة على الاستجابة. National Society Preparedness for

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Préparation pour une intervention efficace

La Préparation pour une intervention efficace (PIE) est une approche cyclique à l’attention des Sociétés nationales (SN) pour une évaluation, une mesure et une analyse systématique des forces et faiblesses de leur système d’intervention afin de prendre des mesures correctives. Avec l’approche PIE, la SN est aux commandes et élabore un plan de travail qui, une fois mis

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Infiltration wells for flood mitigation in Sewu Village – Flood Resilience

Sewu is among the most flood -prone villages in the Surakarta District, Indonesia. Hundreds of houses are located close to the riverbank; many are unauthorized settlements that have substandard facilities and infrastructure. The residents of Sewu Village have built infiltration wells to reduce the risk of flooding. Infiltration wells enable water to seep into the

Infiltration wells for flood mitigation in Sewu Village – Flood Resilience Read More »

The Flood Resilience Alliance – Community Testimonials from Nepal, Mexico and Indonesia

The Flood Resilience Alliance (2013 -2017) is a five-year partnership that set out to develop a model that would deliver effective community flood resilience programmes at scale and contribute to shaping the flood resilience agenda of policy-makers and donors. For the IFRC and National Societies the Flood Resilience Alliance, advocacy and influencing strategies were designed to improve conditions for vulnerable

The Flood Resilience Alliance – Community Testimonials from Nepal, Mexico and Indonesia Read More »

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