Guidance material

قائمة الامور المطلوب مراعاتها للسلامة من الفيضان

تعتبر الفيضانات من الكوارث الطبيعية الأكثر وقوعا وكلفة. الحالات التي تسبب في وقوع الفيضانات تشمل الأمطار الغزيرة أو المتواصلة للعديد من الساعات أو الأيام التي تشبع الأرض. كما تقع السيول الجارفة بشكل مفاجئ بسبب ارتفاع مستوى المياه وبسرعة على طول مجرى أو منطقة منفخض. هذه القائمة تحتوي علي طرح إجابات على الأسئلة التالية ماذا ينبغي

قائمة الامور المطلوب مراعاتها للسلامة من الفيضان Read More »

Guidance for Profiling Urban Displacement Situations

The dynamics of urban settings makes profiling a complicated exercise. How to locate displaced households dispersed across vast metropolises, when they might not want to be found? How – and whether – to distinguish forcibly displaced people from other migrants and urban poor living in similar situations? How to address the political dynamics of the city

Guidance for Profiling Urban Displacement Situations Read More »

Flagship 4 handbook

Since the inception of the 9 minimum characteristics of a disaster resilient community in Nepal, there have been many questions by Government, implementing agencies, researchers, and community members on how to operationalise these characteristics. These questions have led to the formation of this handbook which contains more information about each characteristic and examples of how

Flagship 4 handbook Read More »

Characteristics of a Well Prepared National Society for Situations of Disaster and Conflict

In 2001, disaster preparedness delegates from the IFRC and staff from different National Societies defined the characteristics of a well-prepared National Society. Their aim was to prepare a simple tool for disaster preparedness planning. This document presents these characteristics as a two-page guideline and checklist, from which the Well-prepared National Societies (WPNS) self-assessment tool that

Characteristics of a Well Prepared National Society for Situations of Disaster and Conflict Read More »

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