
Haiti Recovery Operation Summary of the Plan of Action – July 2011 – December 2012

Revised Plan of Action Summary that clearly articulates IFRC secretariat actions moving forward as of July 2011. It continues to use a ‘pillar’ approach but the structure has been simplified to minimize overlap and duplication found in the three-pillar configuration of the 2010 Plan of Action. It also reflects a minimized role for IFRC in HRC core services […]

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Humanitarian Exchange Magazine: Lessons learned from the Haiti Earthquake Response

Special feature of the Humanitarian Exchange focusing on the response to the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Although much of the early media coverage emphasised the tardiness and inefficiency of the humanitarian response, subsequent reviews have recognised the complex operating environment and the extensive challenges involved. That does not, however, mean that mistakes were not made. 

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Gestion del Riesgo en Contextos Urbanos: Avances en las Americas en Materia del abordaje del Riesgo en contextos urbanos

La Gestión del riesgo y la experiencia urbana de las Sociedades Nacionales tiene sus inicios en el 2004 año en el cual las SN inician la implementacion de diagnosticos comunitarios en comunidades semi- urbanas- urbanas. El Desarrollo de Estudios & Revisiones de documentos para utilizarlos en los contextos urbanos inicia en el 2008 en las

Gestion del Riesgo en Contextos Urbanos: Avances en las Americas en Materia del abordaje del Riesgo en contextos urbanos Read More »

Hochwasservorsorge in Deutschland. Lernen aus der Katastrophe 2002 im Elbegebiet

Der Bericht erläutert und analysiert die Erfahrungen mit dem Umgang mit dem Elbhochwasser im Jahr 2002. Basierend auf einer genaueren Betrachtung der Handlungs- und Abstimmungsdefiziet in dem Umgang mit dem Hochwasserereignis und einer Situationsanalyse der Katastrophenabwehr werden Vorschläge für ein verbessertes Hochwasserrisikomanagement dargelegt.      Hochwasservorsorge in Deutschland. Lernen aus der Katastrophe 2002 im Elbgebiet.

Hochwasservorsorge in Deutschland. Lernen aus der Katastrophe 2002 im Elbegebiet Read More »

Responding to urban disasters: Learning from previous relief and recovery operations (ALNAP, 2012)

This 2012 ALNAP paper on urban lessons was written by David Sanderson, Paul Knox-Clarke and Leah Campbell and builds off a prior 2009 study written by Ian O’Donnell, Kristin Smart and Ben Ramalingam. It offers lessons pertaining to effective design and implementation of urban-response programs. It was written to serve as a practical field resource for international disaster management professionals,

Responding to urban disasters: Learning from previous relief and recovery operations (ALNAP, 2012) Read More »

Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Study Lessons Learned from the Tsunami Operation CBDRR Programmes

In November 2010, the IFRC commissioned Arup International Development (Arup ID) to undertake a study of its CBDRR programmes in order to identify and document lessons learned in implementing at scale CBDRR projects to strengthen community safety and resilience and use its large evidence base to research new ideas and contribute to the wider efforts

Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Study Lessons Learned from the Tsunami Operation CBDRR Programmes Read More »

Programmatic directions for the Red Cross and Red Crescent in building urban community resilience in the Asia Pacific Region

The Asia Pacific Zone of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) launched this study in order to identify a role for the Red Cross and Red Crescent in urban community resilience programming. The study is completed by EMI (Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative) in 2011. Two inter-linked objectives guided the research process: 1. To analyse the

Programmatic directions for the Red Cross and Red Crescent in building urban community resilience in the Asia Pacific Region Read More »

GDPC Assessment Report

Report completed in May 2012 highlighting the results of the 9 months long assessment process undertaken by the American Red Cross to inform the conceptualization and development of the Global Disaster Preparedenss Center. During the assessment, the GDPC team talked to more than 100 individuals within and outside the Red Cross Red Crescent network.

GDPC Assessment Report Read More »

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