
Informe Mundial sobre Desastres – Resumen: Tecnologías y futuro de la acción humanitaria

Según los datos presentados en este informe, en 2012 se registró un menor número de personas fallecidas o afectadas a raíz de desastres que en cualquier otro año en el decenio anterior. Al mismo tiempo que tales cifras constituyen una noticia positiva, reflejan también la ausencia de fenómenos de gran envergadura como el tsunami en […]

Informe Mundial sobre Desastres – Resumen: Tecnologías y futuro de la acción humanitaria Read More »

تقريرعن الكوارث في العالم – ملخص التكنولوجيا ومستقبل العمل الإنساني 2013

أفادت التقارير بأن عدد من لقوا حتفهم أو تضرروا من جراء الكوارث في عام 2012 بلغ أدنى مستوياته بالمقارنة مع أي من السنوات الأخرى خلال العقد المنصرم˛ و هذا ما تثبته الأرقام الواردة في هذا التقرير. وإذا كانت هذه الأرقام تزف إلينا خبراً إيجابياً˛ فإنها تبيٌن أيضاً عدم وقوع كوارث كبرى مثل “تسونامي” المحيط الهندي

تقريرعن الكوارث في العالم – ملخص التكنولوجيا ومستقبل العمل الإنساني 2013 Read More »

Building Urban Resilience workshop: Bangkok, Thailand

With support from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) brought together more than 40 participants from eight Red Cross/Red Crescent (RC/RC) national societies as well as government counterpart agencies and partner organizations to share learning and insights on building disaster

Building Urban Resilience workshop: Bangkok, Thailand Read More »

Building Urban Resilience workshop: Arusha, Tanzania

With support from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) brought together representatives from 15 Red Cross/Red Crescent (RC/RC) national societies to share learning and insights on building disaster preparedness and resilience in urban settings in Africa. The workshop looked at

Building Urban Resilience workshop: Arusha, Tanzania Read More »

Lessons from the dzud : Adaptation and Resilience in Mongolian Pastoral Social-ecological Systems

In the winter of 2009‐2010 Mongolia experienced the most severe dzud since the consecutive dzud winters of 1999‐2002. The 1999‐2002 dzud was an important catalyst for a number of donor‐led efforts to improve pasture and livestock management and risk preparedness using community‐based approaches. In the 2009‐2010 dzud, about 8.5 million livestock had died, approximately 20%

Lessons from the dzud : Adaptation and Resilience in Mongolian Pastoral Social-ecological Systems Read More »

The geography of poverty, disasters and climate extremes in 2030

This report examines the relationship between disasters and poverty. It concludes that, without concerted action, there could be up to 325 million extremely poor people living in the 49 countries most exposed to the full range of natural hazards and climate extremes in 2030. It maps out where the poorest people are likely to live and develops a range of scenarios to identify

The geography of poverty, disasters and climate extremes in 2030 Read More »

Risk and Opportunity, Managing Risk for Development

The World Disaster Report (WDR 2014) argues that risk management can be a powerful instrument for development—not only by building people’s resilience and thus reducing the effects of adverse events but also by allowing them to take advantage of opportunities for improvement. The World Bank WDR 14,,contentMDK:23330018~pagePK:8258258~piPK:8258412~theSitePK:8258025,00.html

Risk and Opportunity, Managing Risk for Development Read More »

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