Urban Risk Reduction

Urban Profiling in Vietnam

American Red Cross (ARC) country office together with Vietnam Red Cross (VNRC) has been implementing Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRM) Program, supported by USAID/OFDA funding since 2011 in Vietnam. Responding to increasing urban risk, particularly effects of climate change in cities, ARC and VNRC has agreed to shift the focus of the CBDRM program […]

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Urban Resilience in Asia Pacific: A Scoping Study for Red Cross and Red Crescent

IFRC Asia Pacific Zone has conducted a scoping study to map urban resilience initiatives in the Red Cross Red Crescent movement and beyond. The review looked at past and present knowledge and experiences regarding urban resilience to both provide an evidence base and prompt questions for thought and discussion at the Urban Resilience Think Tank meeting. The

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Future of Cities: Emerging trends and what they mean for Red Cross Red Crescent

In preparation for the IFRC Startegy 2030, the Solferino Academy consulted with over 100 Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies and external experts. The results were grouped into the nine futures thematic areas. While these are relevant to urban communities, this paper explores more specific trends shaping the future of our cities.

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Urban Resilience for Red Cross Red Crescent

You can find more detailed information about the Red Cross Red Crescent Urban Collaboration Platform here:  The Red Cross Red Crescent  Movement is at the forefront of assisting communities facing the growing risk of disasters, protracted crises and day to day stresses in cities. RCRC national societies are increasingly diversifying their programs and partnerships and innovating to

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Programmatic directions for the RCRC in building urban community resilience

Programmatic directions for the Red Cross and Red Crescent in building urban community resilience in the Asia Pacific Region This report provides guidance to IFRC in determining its role in urban disaster risk reduction. It also provides additional information, materials, tools, methodologies and approaches that can be included in the existing Federation DRR and response

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RCRC Urban Collaboration Workshop Nairobi 4-6 June 2018

The overall purpose of the Nairobi workshop was to increase the familiarity and knowledge of the RCRC family in building resilience in informal settlement areas in high-risk urban settings. The workshop was designed to be interactive and highly participatory with the following main sections: Presentations from external partners including UNHABITAT, Slum Dwellers International (SDI) and

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Houston and Hurricane Harvey: a call to action

This study – written by ISET-International, in collaboration with Zurich Insurance Group, and the Global Disaster Preparedness Center looks in detail at the Houston floods that resulted from Hurricane Harvey.  Based on interviews with impacted households and businesses, and with people involved in risk reduction, response and recovery at the city, county and state level, the

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Learning from the Ebola Response in cities: Responding in the context of quarantine

As part of ALNAP’s Learning from the Ebola Response in cities, this paper describes approaches toquarantine in urban Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. It focuses in particular on how humanitariansnavigated the context of urban quarantine, what worked and what didn’t and what can be learnt forfuture public health emergencies in urban contexts. This paper does

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Urban Webinars

Scroll down to watch the descriptions and video recordings of the webinars organized by the IFRC Urban Collaboration Platform on a variety of topics such as: Rethinking Urban Community Risk Reduction and Resilience while responding to COVID-19 The Coalition Building process for Urban Resilience Heatwaves in cities Nature-based solutions for urban resilience Urban migration and

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