
Case Study: Striking Gender Balance to Build A Flood-Resilient Community

    Published June 2013   An estimated US$ 45.7 billion loss caused by the 2011 flooding crisis in Thailand well reflected Mrs. Mayuree’s view towards less-prioritized issue of flooding resilience and preparedness among local communities. To enhance resilience and sustainably reduce vulnerability of flood-prone province, local residents at Ban Ta Luang for the first time learned about disaster risk management skill

Case Study: Striking Gender Balance to Build A Flood-Resilient Community Read More »

Map to help community prepare for flooding in Ayutthaya

    Interest story about “Map to help community prepare for flooding in Ayutthaya” Excerpt: ADPC, with support from USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA), initiated the Program for Reduction of Vulnerability of Floods in Thailand in 2012 to address the risk management challenges that were identified as a result of the 2011 flood

Map to help community prepare for flooding in Ayutthaya Read More »

Living with a river that rises; Coastal communities in Da Nang are taking measures to respond to flash flooding, but is it enough?

Interest story about “Living with a river that rises; Coastal communities in Da Nang are taking measures to respond to flash flooding, but is it enough?”   Asian Disaster Preparedness Center – Website: http://www.adpc.net

Living with a river that rises; Coastal communities in Da Nang are taking measures to respond to flash flooding, but is it enough? Read More »

Flood early warning systems in Nepal: a gendered perspective

This publication captures the findings of a study on flood early warning systems in Nepal that assessed the institutional arrangements, key stakeholders, legal provisions, coordination and linkage mechanisms, and four key elements of early warning systems from a gender perspective. It also gathered experience from two villages with functioning community-based flood early warning systems.   

Flood early warning systems in Nepal: a gendered perspective Read More »

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