
Ethiopia: Country Case Study Report / How Law and Regulation Supports Disaster Risk Reduction

Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa, has a total population estimated at 88 million (the third largest population in Africa), and contains over 80 ethnic groups spread over nine regional states and two city administrations, yet despite economic growth and a significant increase in human development over the past two decades, Ethiopia remains one of the […]

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Disaster prevention, education and youth, the specific case of wildfires

The prevention of destructive fires is an integral element of land-use policies and fire management strategies. Fire prevention must address a broad range of elements and sectors of society, natural resources and environmental management, land-use planning, and technology development. Fire policies and strategies vary from country to country because of the different ecosystem characteristics and

Disaster prevention, education and youth, the specific case of wildfires Read More »

Communicable disease epidemiological profile: Côte d’Ivoire

The purpose of this communicable disease profile for Côte D’Ivoire is to provide up-to-date information on the major communicable disease threats faced by the resident and displaced populations in these two countries. The purpose of the information given is to assist with the strategy for, and the prioritization and coordination of, communicable disease control activities

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Communicable disease epidemiological profile: Sri Lanka

The Communicable Disease Epidemiological Country Profile series was conceived and developed by the World Health Organization team for Disease Control in Humanitarian Emergencies (DCE). The aim is to provide up-to-date information on the major communicable disease threats faced by the resident and displaced populations in emergency-affected countries. The information provided is designed for use in

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Outbreak surveillance and response in humanitarian emergencies. WHO guidelines for EWARN implementation

The purpose of this document is to provide a standard framework and best current practice for implementation of an Early Warning and Response Network (EWARN) and its operation in the field, following humanitarian emergencies. These guidelines are intended for all individuals responsible for disease surveillance activities at all levels. These individuals include health facility staff,

Outbreak surveillance and response in humanitarian emergencies. WHO guidelines for EWARN implementation Read More »

Communicable disease surveillance and response systems. Guide to monitoring and evaluating

1 – Introduction2 – Overview of monitoring and evaluation of surveillance & response systems3 – Components of surveillance & response systems for M & E4 – Practical steps to monitor surveillance and response systems5 – Practical steps to evaluate surveillance and response systems BibliographyAnnex 1 – Key definitions in M & EAnnex 2 – Summary of existing communicable disease surveillance

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