
Evidence-based resources for typhoon response

List of evidence-based resources complied by Evidence Aid and which Evidence Aid will contribute to add to as the disaster response continues. Source: Evidence Aid. Link to list of resources http://www.evidenceaid.org/resources-following-typhoon-haiyan-in-the-philippines/?utm_source=NHC%20Master%20List&utm_campaign=6dc8ee6b1a-DR618&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_dabc309806-6dc8ee6b1a-54390142

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Afet Yönetiminde Risk Azaltma ve Türkiye’de Yaşanan Sorunlar

 Turkiye’de 17 Ağustos ve 12 Kasım 1999’da yaşanan Kocaeli ve Düzce Depremlerinin (Marmara Depremleri) ortaya çıkardığı hasarın telafisi için yapılan yatırım büyüklüğünü hesaplamak ve bu maliyetlerin ortaya çıkmaması veya azaltılması için afet olmadan önce gerçekleştirilecek risk azaltma faaliyetlerinin önemini vurgulayan Uzmanlik tezi. 

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Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Sri Lanka: A Compendium of Good Practices

The compendium presents good practices of the community based disaster risk reduction (CBDRR) approach implemented under a Disaster Preparedness project in the North and East of Sri Lanka, supported by the Disaster Preparedness ECHO (DIPECHO). Learning drawn from the project can be replicated and built into future interventions. The compendium also highlights the post-conflict scenario, and how CBDRR approach can

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Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons and Information and Communication Technology in the Face of the Great East Japan Earthquake

Presentation on the experience from the Great East Japan Earthquake in terms of the impact of the disaster events on people with disability and their inclusion in response and recovery efforts. Jo Matsuzaki, Associate Professor, Miyagi University of Education, 2013. Online version of presentation http://www.preventionweb.net/files/globalplatform/519e280f8fb60Jo_Matsuzaki_English_revised.pdf

Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons and Information and Communication Technology in the Face of the Great East Japan Earthquake Read More »

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