Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)

Water, Health and Sanitation – TEDxCarletonU 2010 – Banu Örmeci

Dr. Banu Örmeci focuses on common myths surrounding water abundance (especially in Canada), the impact of water-borne diseases (not only limited to the poorest countries) and innovative low-cost solutions to improve water quality and decrease the incidence of water-borne diseases. For more information about TEDxCarletonU, please visit: http://tedxcarletonu.com Dr. Örmeci is an Associate Professor and Canada

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Success with Sanitation Business in Indonesia

This 4-min video overview of the sanitation business model in Indonesia illustrates a one-stop shop sanitation business model targeted at entrepreneurs and other stakeholders.  The video animation follows Mr. Budi, a sanitation entrepreneur who produces healthy toilet facilities at an affordable price. Mr. Budi’s experience highlights steps needed to become a successful sanitation entrepreneur, such

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Intervention Models of Water and Sanitation in Rural Sparse Communities

The alliance between PepsiCo Foundation, The Inter-American Development Bank and World Vision Mexico will allow that 400 Mexican families, who live in scattered communities, enjoy sustainable water and sanitation systems, which will significantly improve their quality of life. Funding for this project comes from Aquafund, a joint program with resources from the Inter-American Development Bank,

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Water and Sanitation: a community-based health approach in Timor-Leste

n Timor-Leste, only 36 per of rural households have access to basic levels of sanitation. Nearly a third of the population have no choice but to collect dirty water from unsafe sources. Poor hygiene practices remain widespread and diarrhoea is prevalent among children. In 2011, the Timor-Leste Red Cross Society decided to implement a community-based

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