Intervention Models of Water and Sanitation in Rural Sparse Communities

The alliance between PepsiCo Foundation, The Inter-American Development Bank and World Vision Mexico will allow that 400 Mexican families, who live in scattered communities, enjoy sustainable water and sanitation systems, which will significantly improve their quality of life.

Funding for this project comes from Aquafund, a joint program with resources from the Inter-American Development Bank, PepsiCo Foundation, the Swiss Cooperation and the Government of Austria. The project will last two years and the directed beneficiary states and municipalities are: Xilitla in San Luis Potosi, Mixtla in Veracruz, San Jose del Rincon in the State of Mexico and Zitacuaro in Michoacan.

Pepsico Foundation, the Inter-American Development Bank and World Vision Mexico will create a replicable model for water and sanitation at a national level, which will contribute to meet the Millennium Development Goals.

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