Awareness material

General information and response options – Health Help Desk COVID-19

Find the following resources about General Information and Response Options: RISK, EVIDENCE, AND MODELLING Weekly & Bi-Weekly Updates – Evidence and Assessments  ACAPS Scenarios for COVID-19 Institute of Development Studies_ Secondary impacts of major disease outbreaks Evidence on COVID-19 transmission Languages:  EN, FR, AR, SP, STRATEGIC GUIDANCE  Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic Response: Quick Reference Guidance for […]

General information and response options – Health Help Desk COVID-19 Read More »

RCRC Prevention and key messages and Risk Communication and Community Engagement

These documents offer guidance on how to understand prevention methods, the importance of good community engagement, why misinformation and fear can drive people away from living healthy, the key function of hand-washing in minimizing the spread of the virus, and communication and behavior change. Sneezing and spitting etiquette tools are also offered below.    

RCRC Prevention and key messages and Risk Communication and Community Engagement Read More »

IFRC Child Safeguarding during COVID-19 preparedness, response and recovery

Child safeguarding refers to the actions that a humanitarian agency takes in order to ensure all the children it serves, or comes into contact with, are safe from harm, including violence, abuse and exploitation. Child safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility including in emergencies. Like all humanitarian agencies, Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies are expected

IFRC Child Safeguarding during COVID-19 preparedness, response and recovery Read More »

IFRC Technical Guidance Note: how to consider PGI in the response to COVID-19

“Protection, gender and inclusion” (PGI) refers to all Red Cross Red Crescent actions which address violence, discrimination or exclusion, in all contexts where National Societies work. This guidance note outlines issues that may threaten people’s dignity, access, participation and safety and suggests actions to address these threats.

IFRC Technical Guidance Note: how to consider PGI in the response to COVID-19 Read More »

Parental Tips

Useful COVID-19 Resources for Parents How to talk to your kids about coronavirus Tips on Social distancing, quarantine and isolation during a disease outbreak Coping with stress during the COVID-19 outbreak Caring for someone with COVID-19

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Flood Resilience Alliance: Philippines Country Briefing

The Philippines is the twelfth most populated country in the world and is ranked third globally in terms of its vulnerability to natural hazards. The Philippines is especially prone to hydrometeorological events with floods accounting for over 80 per cent of natural hazard events in the country during the last 50 years, with devastating economic and social impacts. The Zurich Flood

Flood Resilience Alliance: Philippines Country Briefing Read More »

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