Nesrine Aouinti
Tunis, Tunisia
Guidance material

What is the scope of this guidance? These guidelines provide an essential preparatory and operative checklist for health and safety control on small reconstruction sites. They are intended to help reduce and avoid manageable risks, and to guarantee t...

Shelter and settlement programs have a long tradition of dealing with both cash and voucher assistance as part of the wider financial assistance through which disaster or conflict response programs are implemented. This manual is intended to explore ...

Anchors and foundations more generally play an essential role in the structure of shelters. A failure of the anchors can be the first in a series of dramatic ones. Therefore, it is essential to perceive anchors as an integrated part of a building rat...
Assessment or evaluation, Report

The URCS (with IFRC assistance) needs support to help thousands of vulnerable refugees who have fled violence in DRC and are now living in camps located South East Albert Lake. Ethnic violence’s have forced thousands of people to seek safety in nei...

Held in Antalya from Nov. 04th until Nov. 11th 2017 with the support of the Turkish Red Crescent The 21st session of the GA and the statutory meeting is a platform for National Societies to discuss the strategic direction of the RC movement for the c...
Report, Research

The degradation of the humanitarian situation in Syria has caused over 2.1 million people fleeing to neighboring countries. The number of registered Syrian citizens who have found temporary shelter in Turkey has surpassed half a million people. Of th...
Report, Research

The original 16m2 Kizilay tent was developed by Kizilay (Turkish Red Crescent). Its tent factory produces reinforced tents and other shelter products, such as rub-halls of various sizes. The National Society has distributed 6,068 tarpaulins aiming to...
Data set, Report

Humanitarian Sheltering is a key component to assist affected populations in rebuilding lives and livelihoods. The Open Shelter Database currently hosts information on 160 shelters implemented by different actors in various countries. All shelters re...

The Aide internationale de la Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise (AICRL) has been working since 2013 in Diffa, Niger. In close collaboration with the Nigerian Red Cross (CRN), it carries out interventions in the area of shelter and sanitation for refugees...