20 Oct 2013
(Regulations on notification and reporting of communicable diseases), 2010 Onlinve version of regulations http://www.ifrc.org/docs/idrl/951VI.pdf
Tags: Guidance material, Communicable Disease, Disaster Law
10 Mar 2014
Le Centre international Feinstein développe et adapte des approches participatives visant à mesurer l’impact des interventions relatives aux moyens de subsistance depuis le début des années 1990. Mettant cette expérience à profit, ce gu...
Tags: Guidance material
02 Oct 2013
Sel, heyelan ve çığlara hazırlıklı olma, önleme ve zarar azaltma hakkında genel hatları ile bilgi verilen bir makale. İTÜ, Afet Yönetim Merkezi http://www.aym.itu.edu.tr/Icerik.aspx?sid=8848
Tags: Guidance material, Flood