02 Jan 2014
This research report draws on the experience of the TRP CBDRR programmes and current literature in order to identify the ‘characteristics of safe and resilientcommunities; to understand how these characteristics changed over time and howRCRC inter...
Tags: Guidance material, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
30 Oct 2013
Post-disaster reconstruction begins with a series of decisions that must be made almost immediately. Despite the urgency with which these decisions are made, they have long-term impacts, changing the lives of those affected by the disaster for years ...
Tags: Guidance material, Post-Disaster Recovery
25 Nov 2013
Les Notes d’orientation pour la construction d’écoles plus sûres présentent un cadre de principes directeurs et de mesures générales pour élaborer un plan spécifique permettant de remédier à cette grave brèche qui empêche la réalisat...
Tags: Guidance material, Earthquake, Flood, Landslide