Business Preparedness Initiative (BPI) Supporting Resources

A collection of resources supporting the Business Preparedness Initiative (BPI) of the GDPC.

Visit the BPI Toolkit for complete guidance and how to use these resources.

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Related Resources

Guidance material
19 Jun 2017
Mientras que la comunicación de parte de la organización es la principal responsabilidad del departamento de comunicaciones, el equipo de gerentes senior reconoce que otros miembros del personal pueden contribuir también a los objetivos de la orga...
Tags: Guidance material
Guidance material
12 May 2014
In 2001, disaster preparedness delegates from the IFRC and staff from different National Societies defined the characteristics of a well-prepared National Society. Their aim was to prepare a simple tool for disaster preparedness planning. This docume...
Tags: Guidance material
Guidance material
19 Jan 2016
Based on the belief that residents are experts in their neighborhoods, URBZ organizes collaborative workshops, hands-on research projects, and interactive solution sharing on the web. URBZ regularly organizes participatory workshops that last 2 to...
Tags: Guidance material, Urban Preparedness
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