01 Apr 2014
Case studies of VCAs undertaken in Grenada in 2010. The locations include: Clozier; Mount Rich; Petite Martinique; River Sallee.
Tags: Report
26 Nov 2014
http://preventionweb.net/globalplatfo…for more information and to download the presentation. This presentation examines tsunami risk resilience through an analysis of systems of governance, their architecture, and actor-agent perspectives, conc...
Tags: Video, Early Warning Systems, Tsunami
23 Aug 2022
En octubre y noviembre del 2020, en México, una serie de frentes fríos y dos ciclones detonaron graves inundaciones en los estados de Chiapas, Tabasco y Veracruz. En el estado de Tabasco, durante el mes de noviembre, se registró una importante pre...
Tags: Report, Flood, Infrastructure and Services, Post-Disaster Recovery, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Urban Preparedness