Case study 4 – Harmonizing indigenous and local knowledge: “The path towards community and institutional resilience”

“We, the indigenous peoples, do not reject adapting to climate change because we have always, as a people–consulted Nature. We read its signs and foresee; we understand; we harmonize with it which is how we have always lived and survived through the ages, because we are blessed by our actions.” Pablo Ramón Vanegas, member of the indigenous community and technical liaison for the municipal government in San Lucas for PfR.

Feria Alimentaria, Día Mundial de la Madre Tierra, 24 abril 2013, Cusmapa , Identificación de buenas prácticas en reducción de riesgos, adaptación, manejo ecosistémico , Recopilación del conocimiento local e indígena: semillas criollas, Las Sabanas, Madriz , Recovery of traditional and local knowledge on disaster risk reduction , What is the role of women in community resilience?,,,,

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