03 Dec 2024
À propos de la Boîte à Outils Cette boîte à outils a été préparée conjointement avec les équipes de la PIROI (La Réunion/Mayotte), le pôle de la Direction des Relations et Opérations Internationales de la Croix-Rouge française, la Croix...
Tags: Awareness material, Guidance material, Other type of resource, Training material, Disaster Preparedness Games, Public Awareness and Public Education, Youth Disaster Preparedness
17 Jan 2018
UNDP’s work in climate change, disaster risk reduction and energy (2015-2017) This report is comprised of 15 country case studies providing examples of climate action, disaster risk reduction and recovery, and sustainable energy. Each case emph...
Tags: Case Study, Report, Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Risk Assessment, Urban Preparedness
31 Mar 2015
There is a critical information gap in terms of the quantitative economic impact of disasters on agriculture and on the livelihoods and food security of populations affected. FAO has undertaken a study to help fill this information gap, and to quanti...
Tags: Awareness material, Other type of resource, Livelihoods and Food Security