Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Study Lessons Learned from the Tsunami Operation CBDRR Programmes

In November 2010, the IFRC commissioned Arup International Development (Arup ID) to undertake a study of its CBDRR programmes in order to identify and document lessons learned in implementing at scale CBDRR projects to strengthen community safety and resilience and use its large evidence base to research new ideas and contribute to the wider efforts in improving CBDRR work within the IFRC. More specifically, the study sought to identify the characteristics of a safe and resilient community and the key determinants of a successful CBDRR programme. The document uses case studies from its Tsunami Operations in four of the worst affect countries (Indoesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and the Maldives) between 2004 and 2010. 

Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Study Lessons Learned from the Tsunami Operation CBDRR Programmes

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