“Doing No Harm” in the Digital Age

New technologies continue to present great risks and opportunities for humanitarian action. To ensure that their use does not result in any harm, humanitarian organisations must develop and implement appropriate data protection standards, including robust risk assessments. However, this requires a good understanding of what these technologies are, what risks are associated with their use, and how we can try to avoid or mitigate them.

This study tries to answer these questions in an accessible manner. The aim is to provide people who work in the humanitarian sphere with the knowledge they need to understand the risks involved in the use of certain new technologies. It also discusses the “do no harm” principle and how it applies in a digital environment. This study was commissioned by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to Privacy International (PI).  

Digital trails could endanger people receiving humanitarian aid, ICRC and Privacy International find, What are metadata?
https://www.icrc.org/en/document/digital-trails-could-endanger-people-receiving-humanitarian-aid-icrc-and-privacy, https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=P3tlE2jcINI

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