eCBHFA Training Module: Behaviour and Social Change (French)

The module aims to provide content appropriate to train eCBHFA volunteers and their community members on the elements of effective behaviour change.

The material should be used to train all eCBHFA volunteers as well as volunteers from any sector or response. The module can be taught in a training environment, in community meetings, during household visits, and one-on-one discussions with volunteers and community members anywhere in the community.

Materials in French:

Access the Complete Volunteer manual

Access the Complete Facilitator guide

You may also download materials by topic. The 4 topics include:

  1. Principles of behaviour change
  2. The Social ecological model
  3. The stages of behaviour change
  4. Activities for behaviour change

The module and accompanying tools can be used for development programming and preparedness for use in training staff and volunteers and community members. More on Epidemics Control for Volunteers Training Manual in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic, find it here.

Please use and disseminate widely.

We should also like to thank all Red Cross Red Crescent colleagues who contributed to early drafts and testing of the materials including Syrian Red Crescent, Zimbabwe Red Cross, Malawi Red Cross, Zambia Red Cross, Somaliland Red Crescent, Sierra Leone Red Cross, Finnish Red Cross, Psychosocial Reference Centre, the Protection, Gender, and Inclusion team and the University of Geneva.

Find these training modules in English and Russian.

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