Environmental disaster: Linking partners to tuberculosis prevention around the Aral Sea

The Aral Sea has shrunk to just one third of its original size over the past three decades, creating a humanitarian disaster for millions of people who live around its shores. As ecological and economic stability have crumbled, thirst, malnutrition and disease have followed. This case study presents the extensive programme of humanitarian food aid in order to reduce the negative impacts of TB among those living in the Aral Sea zone, carried out by the Red Crescent Society of Uzbekistan (RCSU), supported by the American Red Cross (ARC) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (Federation) since 1998. Published in 2003.

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cs-aralsea.pdf 190 KB
cs-aralsea-fr.pdf 183 KB
cs-aralsea-sp.pdf 167 KB

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