Flood Resilience Alliance: Montenegro Country Briefing

Heavy rainfalls, long-lasting rains for several days in a row, and melting of existing snow in mountainous regions at a certain time of the year are meteorological phenomena characteristic of the territory of Montenegro.These conditions can lead to a sudden rise of water levels in rivers and lakes (especially Skadar Lake) with extreme hydrological parameters, causing floods and material damage, and endangering the normal functioning of infrastructure systems.

Objectives in Montenegro:

Overall objective: Increase community resilience to floods in selected communities of Skadar Lake basin in Montenegro.

This will be achieved through the following specific objectives:

  • Facilitate communities’ assessment of risks, capacities, needs, and priorities regarding flood preparedness.

  • Inform, involve, and empower communities to develop and implement flood preparedness activities and small-scale mitigation projects.
  • Enhance capacity of Red Cross of Montenegro staff and volunteers to support community resilience activities in flood-prone communities.

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