Gender and Diversity Strategy, American Red Cross International Services



Among its core functions, the American Red Cross International Services Department (ARC-ISD) strives to support Host National Societies (HNS) to assist the most vulnerable people in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from man-made and natural disasters, and other challenges identified by key stakeholders including the affected communities. Neutral and impartial programs that facilitate community resilience seek to actively involve all regardless of age, gender, religion, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. In order to include the ‘whole community’[1], it is vital to understand power dynamics amongst the different demographics to promote equal participation and ensure that most vulnerable are benefitted by ARC-ISD supported programs and services. Moreover, Gender equality is critical for the ongoing progressive development of humanity – it is a fundamental human right[2].


[1] FEMA (2011). A Whole Community Approach to Emergency Management: Principles, Themes, and Pathways for Actions.

[2] IFRC (2013). Strategic Framework on Gender Diversity Issues – 2013- 2020. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Geneva.


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