25 Nov 2014
In Pakistan many people are tenants which makes them very vulnerable. After the floods in 2010 thousands of people were homeless and without any land to grow their crops. The Pakistan Red Crescent Society is helping in facilitating access to property...
Tags: Video, Disaster Law, Flood, Livelihoods and Food Security
25 Nov 2014
Neither a cape nor superpowers are needed to be a hero. First aid is for everyone, everywhere.
Tags: Video, Public Awareness and Public Education
20 Nov 2014
YABC is the IFRC’s flagship initiative on the promotion of a culture of non-violence and peace. It was created in 2008 for youth and with youth from Red Cross and Red Crescent worldwide. YABC empowers them to take up an ethical leadership role ...
Tags: Video, Community Engagement and Accountability, Youth Disaster Preparedness