IFRC-SRU exhibition during the RCRC Movement General Assembly and Statutory Meeting (2017)
Held in Antalya from Nov. 04th until Nov. 11th 2017 with the support of the Turkish Red Crescent
The 21st session of the GA and the statutory meeting is a platform for National Societies to discuss the strategic direction of the RC movement for the coming years. Taking advantage of this major event, the IFRC-SRU held a booth within the Kizilay tent factory exhibition site, located beside the General Assembly conference center.
The idea was to highlight the existence of the IFRC-SRU. Presenting the different services that the Unit can offer to NSs with an exhibition illustrating some examples of our research.
To summarize, the presence of the IFRC-SRU has the objectives to:
- Give visibility of the IFRC-SRU
- Present the aims of the IFRC-SRU – to build up innovative material and technical shelter solutions.
- Present the 4 pillars/activities of the IFRC-SRU: to Test, to Document, to Analyse and disseminate and to Assess and propose shelter products and innovative solutions dedicated to people in need)
- Present the IFRC SRU’s services addressed to NSs: •Shelter Design development •Field testing •Capacity building on construction practices and local techniques •Monitoring and evaluation of shelter responses
- Present the existing partners the IFRC Shelter Research Unit – Supported by the Red Cross Societies of the Benelux and more recently the Turkish Red Crescent in collaboration with the IFRC Shelter & Settlements Department)
- Disseminate existing tools – including the Shelter Database, technical guidelines, and shelter solutions)
- Identify potential “partners” and technical issues subject of interest
- Reinforce the collaboration with existing partners including notably the Turkish RC and the German RC
To know more about this exhibition, please consult the following document: Activity report