Innovative Land Tenure in the Philippines: Challenges, Approaches and Institutionalization

Given the size of the urban poor population, a major challenge confronting development agencies, policymakers and social actors concerned with addressing poverty is how to provide better access to secure tenure and housing. tools and strategies to increase the poor’s access to secure land and housing tenure need to be devised. the overall aim of this study is to contribute to the crafting of these alternative tools and strategies.

This publication is a summary report of a study published in 2011 (see It documents and culls lessons from the Philippines’ experience
in implementing alternative approaches to securing tenure for the urban poor, specifically the Community mortgage Program (CmP), presidential land proclamations and the usufruct arrangement. 

The publication also underscores the advantages of  designing and implementing simple, intermediate  tenure instruments for providing the urban poor with  access to land at different levels.

2014, UN-Habitat and the Global Land Tool Network

Innovative Land Tenure in the Philipppines

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