28 Nov 2014
This is the story of two childhood friends who, after finishing college together, pursued their dream of starting a business together. It’s the classic American Dream imbued with that feel-good ethos that only a longstanding friendship can summ...
Tags: Video, Business Preparedness
05 Jun 2020
The attached document briefly describes the most important things that derive from the Buenos Aires Commitment and the 2030 Strategy and shows us how we can carry out activities within the framework of the Region’s priorities.
Tags: Guidance material, Community Engagement and Accountability, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
04 Feb 2021
Honduras se encuentra entre los primeros cinco países más vulnerables del planeta, según el índice de Riesgo Climático (IRC) que elabora cada año Germanwatch. Los efectos de los desastres impactan negativamente el desarrollo e incrementan la po...
Tags: Awareness material, Climate Change Adaptation, Community Engagement and Accountability, Disaster Law, Flood, Hurricane / Typhoon / Cyclone, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management