Keeping Calm – Building Resilience with Hunter and Eve

Building Resilience with Hunter and Eve is an animated series featuring a young fox (Hunter) and owl (Eve) who together learn how to be resilient and cope with disasters and emergencies. Each episode of this series focuses on one important skill (for example staying safe, keeping calm, solving problems) and provides clear steps toward achieving the skill.

In this episode, Hunter learns three steps to keep calm when he is afraid or upset. Watch the video to learn how you can keep calm too!

Child and youth worksheets are available for each episode in the series. The worksheets include activities that reinforce the steps presented in each video. Discussion starters are also provided, which provide questions for children and youth to think and talk about before and after watching each episode. Discussion starters can be used with individual children or with groups.  (See links provided below)

Download the fun keeping calm worksheet:

Disaster and Community Crisis Center DCC, University of Missouri, 2015.

Staying Safe – Building Resilience with Hunter and Eve >

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