30 Mar 2020
Find some exercises to relieve stress and anxiety in children during crisis situations: Breathing with color Color me! Visit Kids Activity Kit: COVID-19 for more.
Tags: Game, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
29 Jul 2015
Heatwaves are among the most dangerous of natural hazards, but rarely receive adequate attention. They often lack the spectacular and sudden violence of other hazards, such as tropical cyclones or flash floods. Even the related death tolls are not al...
Tags: Guidance material, Early Warning Systems, Heat Wave
09 Jun 2020
“Manual de arte terapia para el fortalecimiento de la salud mental como respuesta a la emergencia por COVID-19” es un documento creado por la Unidad de Atención Psicosocial de Cruz Roja Salvadoreña, gracias a la asistencia técnica y financiera...
Tags: Game, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)