Navigating Fragility, Conflict and Violence to strengthen community resilience: A handbook for DRR practitioners

Communities in settings of fragility, conflict and violence (FCV) are disproportionately affected by disasters, as their resilience, disaster risk management and coping capacities are weakened. Effective and sustainable disaster risk reduction (DRR) in these settings is pivotal to save lives and ensure we leave no one behind amidst political and social turmoil and insecurity. But how do we make it work?
This new handbook helps to navigate the challenges and uncertainties of FCV settings, assisting DRR practitioners in avoiding common shortcomings and increasing the chances of effectively reduced disaster risk. The handbook is jointly developed by IFRC, ICRC, the German Red Cross, and the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, and funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. The primary focus and target audience is the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, though the handbook is equally relevant to any DRR practitioner working in FCV settings. Based on the Movement's experience, the handbook contributes to the Sendai Framework targets and the Paris Agreement commitments in FCV contexts. Click the buttons below to access the full handbook, and scroll down for more resources.
Developed by:

Easy modifications to the budget for new projects include:
- capacity-building, especially for FCV-relevant soft skills, safer access and conflict sensitivity
- conducting initial conflict analysis and continuous monitoring
- dedicating a budget line for future adjustments of activities, similar to a crisis modifier.
Additional Resources
DRR in FCV: Two-Pager
Explore this 2-pager for a concise overview of the DRR in FCV Handbook, including key recommendations for the wider community and donors:
Handbook Launch Event
This video highlights the launch of the Handbook at the IFRC General Assembly on October 25, 2024.