Overview of Forced Migration of South Sudanese into West Nile Region, Northern Uganda

For over 2 decades, Uganda has been a host country for refugees from South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo where the majorities are currently settling in the refugee camps of West Nile region and Western Uganda due to the escalating rebellion, civil war and armed conflict in their home country. As a result from exposure to environments without choice, these refugees are most times subjected to all sorts of lifestyle responsible for negative impacts on adults, children and youths.

The most affected are always the children and youth whose education development is heavily disrupted by immigration into new areas where the majority falls among the out of school population groups who roam about within the settlement camps. If nothing is done to address this high rate of dropout of school population by providing alternative education system, they are bound to suffer from long term impact of a generation of illiterate people without relevant knowledge and skills to harness issues of leadership, development and governance of their society ( The UNHCR Strategic Report for Refugee Education: 2013-2016, page 8)

The research therefore focuses on the refugees settled in the refugee settlement camps of West Nile region to explore their education plight and share a report with education stakeholders in Uganda and abroad to inform policy programming related to education in emergencies for Refugee population affected by rebellion, civil war, armed conflict and disaster in Sub Saharan countries and African continent.

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