Radiological – Nuclear Hazards (DE)

Different guidance material in GERMAN covering the topic of Radiation protection and nuclear from different regions / countries / organisations. The publications cover the basics of radiation protection to different in depth explanations and also provide guidance and describe protective measures and best practices.

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Guidance material
27 Jun 2014
Tornado safety checklist that includes: “what should I do to prepare for a tornado?”, “what should I do if a tornado is threatening?” and,  “what do I do after a tornado?”. Chinese
Tags: Guidance material, Tornado
Guidance material
28 May 2020
Local actors,3 including civil society organisations, government, and the private sector, as well as communities themselves (including displaced communities), are critical in every humanitarian operation, and even more so in the current context that ...
Tags: Guidance material, Communicable Disease
Guidance material
17 Feb 2022
This publication, also referred to as the “Red Book”, offers a guidance framework and introduces additional verification requirements for medical teams preparing for or involved in responding to health emergencies in armed conflict and other inse...
Tags: Guidance material, Hazard, Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
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