02 Jun 2017
POLITICAS GLOBALES APLICABLES A TODOS CRUZ ROJA Y MEDIA LUNA ROJA A continuación se comparte las políticas globales de la Cruz Roja y Media Luna Roja aplicables a todos, como referencia para las Sociedades Nacionales y los demás actores del Movim...
Tags: Other type of resource
04 Nov 2014
Interest story about “Living with a river that rises; Coastal communities in Da Nang are taking measures to respond to flash flooding, but is it enough?” Asian Disaster Preparedness Center – Website: http://www.adpc.net
Tags: Other type of resource, Early Warning Systems, Flood
23 May 2022
Up to date, 18 internationally operating organizations and companies plus Vint Cerf as an individual have endorsed the Call to Action on Emergency Alerting. This document highlights the process towards the Call to Action s as they have been put forwa...
Tags: Assessment or evaluation, Other type of resource, Early Warning Systems