10 May 2020
Find the following resources about Public Health Response: EPIDEMIC CONTROL FOR VOLUNTEERS (ECV) Spitting etiquette – Epidemic Control for Volunteers. Languages: EN, SP, FR Sneezing etiquette – Epidemic Control for Volunteers. Languages: EN, SP, ...
Tags: Awareness material, Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
12 Feb 2016
Building Resilience with Hunter and Eve is an animated series featuring a young fox (Hunter) and owl (Eve) who together learn how to be resilient and cope with disasters and emergencies. Each episode of this series focuses on one important skill (for...
Tags: Awareness material, Video, Youth Disaster Preparedness
21 Apr 2015
Preparing for Disasters with Mr. Radar is a video animation produced in English and Thai language in order to promote learning among children in Thailand on immediate and long-term climate risks. Through this animation, children as part of community ...
Tags: Awareness material, Youth Disaster Preparedness