Social Capital Infographics

While there is an abundance of definitions of social capital, most of them share a focus on social relations that have productive benefits. Robert Putnam, who is one of the key authors associated with promoting the concept of social capital, defines it as “features of social organization, such as networks, norms, and social trust that facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit (Putnam 1995:67).

He proposes five components of social capital:

  • Community networks: number and density of voluntary, state and personal networks
  • Civic engagement: participation and use of civic networks
  • Local civic identity: sense of belonging, of solidarity and of equality with other members of the community
  • Reciprocity and norms of cooperation: a sense of obligation to help others, along with a confidence that such assistance will be returned
  • Trust in the community

Here are some Social Captial Infographics

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