Training of the National Disaster Response Team in Niamey, Niger

The IFRC-SRU consultancy mission aims to provide additional technical support to IA-LRC contributing to their general objective of: “Contributing to the improvement of the technical and operational shelter capacities of the NRC and the IA-LRC team in Niger”.

The IFRC-SRU has proposed a methodology based on the following individual outcomes:

  • Coordinate and facilitate the National Disaster Response Team (NDRT) Shelter (17th to
  • 21st July 2018) in Niamey.
  • Analyze the relevance of reinforcing the transitional shelter model to resist the climatic conditions in Diffa, with particular consideration on the team’s capacities and the complexity of the assembly procedure.
  • Guide the work of the local draftsman/filmmaker to develop a dissemination/training tool adapted to the context for the implementation of the Sahel Shelter.
  • Provide advice to the IA-LRC and the NRC team in Diffa in setting up distribution procedures and logistical procedures adapted to the context of the project implementation.

The following objectives were achieved during the mission:

  • · The NDRT Shelter training delivered with 23 participants and a total duration of 5 days including workshops. The participants’ evaluation finished.
  • Particular measures have been identified to strengthen the structure of the shelter adapted to the context of Diffa. Including workshops with local equipment and prototype built.
  • The structure and content of the sketch/draft artist’s work have been defined.
  • The Diffa teams in the field received dedicated advice focused on the improvement of the logistics procedures adapted to the context.
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