19 Apr 2017
How do you measure ‘resilience’? There has been much debate both on definitions and on measurements, but arguably little practice: Few humanitarian and development projects take a systematic approach to assessing the multiple dimensions o...
Tags: Assessment or evaluation, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
11 Jun 2020
Las emergencias sanitarias afectan de manera distinta a mujeres, hombres, niñas, niños, adolescentes y personas LGBTIQ+. Reconocerlo es clave para asegurar una respuesta humanitaria más eficaz y pertinente centrada en las personas y sensible al g...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Women and Gender in Disaster Management
07 May 2020
You can use the “feelings faces” template or create drawings of faces, each expressing a different emotion -happy, sad, angry, worried, etc. At the beginning of each day, select a face that shows how you are feeling and talk about why you feeling...
Tags: Game, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)