Training material
Other type of resource
With the Universal App Program, the Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) has created a platform to facilitate the adaptation and localization of mobile applications (apps) with first aid and hazard information to be used in countries across t...
Guidance material
This document is part of a series of knowledge products produced through the Global Alliance for Urban Crises (GAUC) Working Groups, with financial support from EU Humanitarian Aid. The series are key steps in driving an agenda of change, when it com...
Case Study
Mongolian Red Cross Society (MRCS) has been implementing a community-based disaster risk reduction project since 2014, with support from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the Australian Red Cross. The h...
Case Study
Business play a vital role in supporting community recovery following a disaster and maintaining operations during an extreme event is fundamental to community resilience. Businesses that stay open or reopen quickly provide much needed services and e...
Case Study
Disasters can have profound impacts on businesses. 40% to 60% of small businesses fail to reopen after a disaster. For many businesses, potential impacts from disasters include direct physical impacts from extreme events as well as more indirect impa...
This document concerns administrative operations for running the “CAP Editor” freeware. CAP Editor is a tool for creating and publishing emergency alerts in the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) format. CAP Editor runs on the Amazon Web Serv...
This document provides an example template for the particular phrases (about 1,000 words total) that must be translated to enable the CAP Editor to customize its user interface. Translations to the new language are indicated by replacing the entries ...
This document annotates a screen-by-screen preview of the CAP Editor freeware, as it would be seen by a person authenticated in the role of “composer” or “approver”.
CAP Editor presents a link to CAP alert message templates in HTML that provide text suggestions for the “headline”, “description” and “instruction” elements of a CAP alert. These CAP alert message templates address...