Case Study, Report
Climate change, rural to urban migration, an aging population, municipal task shifting, and changes in the way people volunteer – many forces will affect the risk landscape local disaster preparedness and emergency response actors will have to ...
The El Niño phenomenon is strengthening in the Africa Region with severe impacts predicted for Eastern and Southern Africa. To help African National Societies and their partners anticipate and prepare for the likely impacts of the El Niño phenomena...
Guidance material
This solution brief forms part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance’s solutions series. The solution series aims to improve outreach and impact of such resilient practices at a global level. This brief explores how the Mexican Red Cross have...
Case Study
After years of community-based work coupled with iterative sharing with local, regional, and national government actors, the Mexican Red Cross’ community brigades approach has been formally recognized by organizations and government at all levels. ...
Case Study
Tras años de trabajo basado en la comunidad, junto con un intercambio iterativo con actores gubernamentales locales, regionales y nacionales, el enfoque de las brigadas comunitarias de la Cruz Roja Mexicana ha sido reconocido formalmente por organiz...
Towards effective early warning systems: Impact and lessons from Nepal and Peru. A report with findings from Practical Action’s commissioned assessment to better understand the impact of our people-centred early warning system (EWS) programming...
Case Study
This case study explores the model used by the Mexican Red Cross to set up their Alliance program for long-term operation, scalability, and impact. The details of the program’s growth and expansion are particular to the Mexican Red Cross’ experie...
Case Study
Este caso de estudio explora el modelo utilizado por la Cruz Roja Mexicana para la implementación, escalamiento e impacto del proyecto a largo plazo dentro de la Alianza. Los detalles del crecimiento y la expansión son particulares y resultado de...
Case Study, Research
In this Commentary, the authors reflect on the commonalities of Indigenous actions across multiple settings, recently synthesized at a COVID Observatories workshop at the Keystone Foundation in Kotagiri, India (March 19–21, 2023). The COVID-19 pand...
Case Study, Research
Websites related to storm surge risks mostly follow an instructive approach, often combining flood risk maps with historical information on floods, and instructions on how to behave in case of an approaching emergency, such as a dike break. Sometimes...