06 Aug 2021
The Research Series: Cities for Children and Youth is published by the Global Alliance – Cities 4 Children. This series will include publications reflecting on a range of issues faced by urban children and youth and will shed light on promising ini...
Tags: Urban Preparedness
Guidance material
10 Jun 2021
El Kit contiene una introducción rápida a conceptos urbanos, seguida de una serie de seis módulos sobre: Comunicaciones creativas, soluciones basadas en la naturaleza, higiene y saneamiento del agua (WASH, por sus siglas en inglés), agricultura u...
Tags: Guidance material, Climate Change Adaptation, Urban Preparedness
Case Study
10 Jun 2021
In Bangladesh German Red Cross is supporting Bangladesh Red Crescent Society to implement an Earthquake Preparedness project for past many years.T he project is implemented through consortium approach having, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, Br...
Tags: Case Study, Community Engagement and Accountability, Earthquake, Urban Preparedness
Report, Research
07 Jun 2021
At the various stages of their journeys, migrants are asked to identify themselves to gain access to humanitarian services. But people on the move have specific needs and concerns when it comes to identification. The sheer variety of migration scenar...
Tags: Report, Research, Cash
Other type of resource
03 Jun 2021
The IFRC and member National Societies have been increasingly present and active in cities and urban settings to serve the most vulnerable people and have made valuable efforts in recent years to support the development of more resilient communities ...
Tags: Other type of resource, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Urban Preparedness
01 Jun 2021
In the context of a rapidly urbanizing Asia Pacific region, the number of people exposed to hazards, shocks, and stresses is increasing, leading to amplified risk and vulnerability. At the same time, people living in cities are themselves agents of c...
Tags: Report, Urban Preparedness
01 Jun 2021
Heatwaves, or silent disasters, are increasingly common and can seriously affect human health, well-being and livelihood. In the past decade severe heatwaves have claimed numerous lives in Asia Pacific. Heatwave exposure will continue to increase, ev...
Tags: Report, Climate Change Adaptation, Early Warning Systems, Heat Wave, Livelihoods and Food Security, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, Public Awareness and Public Education, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Urban Preparedness
19 May 2021
Being able to prove one’s identity is critical in modern society. This is no less the case for people being served by humanitarian organizations. Indeed, those without official identification are among the most vulnerable. While previous solutions ...
Tags: Research, Cash, Infrastructure and Services
Guidance material, Report, Research
10 May 2021
National-Society-Response-to-Covid-19-in-Urban-Areas-Final Literature-Review-Learning-on-Epidemics Learning from Local Responders to Guide Future Epidemic & Pandemic Responses in Urban Areas This study on Responding to COVID-19 in Urban Environme...
Tags: Guidance material, Report, Research, Communicable Disease, Community Engagement and Accountability, Urban Preparedness
03 May 2021
Can we measure community resilience as part of base- and endline surveys? Yes, we can — and it’s not even that hard. This new report for Swiss Red Cross (SRC) is the based on a global first: the first application of resilience radar and resil...
Tags: Report, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
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