Awareness material
According to the annual Global Climate Risk Index produced by Germanwatch, Honduras is among the top five most vulnerable countries. The effects of disasters negatively impact development and increase poverty. In the last two decades, disasters have ...
English Version https://preparecenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Safe-referral-video-english.mp4 النسخة العربية https://preparecenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/SGBV-Arabic-low-res.mp4 Version Française https://preparecen...
Awareness material, Other type of resource
Click this link to view or find a downloadable copy of the IFRC Alert Hub Project Implementation one-pager below.
Awareness material, Other type of resource
Click this link to view or find a downloadable copy of the IFRC Alert Hub one-pager below.
Guidance material
National Societies’ and volunteers’ roles will change through the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic in their respective countries/communities, based on which public health, clinical and health systems activities are likely to be most impactful...
Guidance material
National Societies’ and volunteers’ roles will change through the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic in their respective countries/communities, based on which public health, clinical and health systems activities are likely to be most impactful...
Guidance material
Approvals of COVID-19 vaccines by regulatory authorities have given hope that an end to the acute phase of the pandemic is within reach. To realize the full potential of these vaccines, they must be distributed in an equitable manner that prioritizes...
Let’s imagine what you can do when you’re back in school, back playing outside, and back with your friends. What activities can you think of? Share your ideas with friends and family. When things are back to normal, then you can pick an i...
Manual, Other type of resource
The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (GEJET) triggered the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident (Fukushima Daiichi accident) in 2011, radioactive materials were released into the air and the sea. This forced the residents to evacuate...
The Manual for Relief Activities under Nuclear Disasters was formulated for the Japanese Red Cross Society relief teams in the background of a nuclear emergency.