Guidance material
This document is based on WHO’s Rational Use of PPE for COVID-19 and Considerations During Severe Shortages. For WHO guidance on the extended use and reuse of PPE, please see: Table 2. Options for temporary measures due to the shortage of Personal ...
Guidance material
There are two resources on the impact on COVID-19 on trafficking in persons (TiP): 1) A “Factsheet” – for a general audience This is a quick reference tool to support National Societies to consider how the Covid-19 global pandemic may pl...
Guidance material
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is an essential and ongoing process owned and guided by the National Society’s senior management to ensure that the National Society continues to function during times of crisis, and resume business processes when...
Video material for National Societies to inform the public about the importance of continuing to donate blood. Available in: – English (with audio) – English (no audio) – Spanish
Guidance material
Patient Blood Management During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic. Many of us are hearing of potential shortages of blood components and the call from blood centers for volunteers to donate during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Society for the Advancement of Bl...
Guidance material
The following measures included in the document can help to address staff concerns about their own safety. Front line blood center employees are directly addressed in CDC’s Interim Infection Control Guidance on COVID-19 for Personnel at Blood and P...
Guidance material
Strategies for a safe and sufficient blood supply during a pandemic. Find in the document some suggested strategies that blood services and other agencies (ie. WHO, AABB, ISBT) have found beneficial during COVID-19.
Guidance material
This document provides interim guidance on the management of the blood supply in response to the pandemic outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). It is intended for blood services, national health authorities, and others responsible for the provi...
Guidance material
Protecting the Blood Supply during Infectious Disease Outbreaks is guidance provided by the World Health Organization.