Business Continuity Planning Template for National Societies

Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is an essential and ongoing process owned and guided by the National Society’s senior management to ensure that the National Society continues to function during times of crisis, and resume business processes when its programs have been disrupted unexpectedly. The Red Cross Movement plays a critical role in the delivery of regular social and health services (e.g. support to elderly, marginalized groups, people with disabilities, blood donations, etc.), in disaster preparedness and in response. Given this responsibility, disruptions in a National Society’s service should be minimised in order to maintain public trust and confidence in its emergency response capabilities.

The purpose of this document is to assist National Societies implement the concepts, practices, and processes contained in the IFRC’s Business Continuity Planning Guidelines. It provides an array set related information and tools designed to facilitate National Societies who may be at different stages in their efforts to initiate, modify, or enhance their Business Continuity Plans.

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