México es susceptible a diferentes tipos de amenazas naturales, tales como sequías en la zona desértica del norte, heladas en el noroeste y noreste, fuertes lluvias en el sur y ciclones tropicales en sus más de 11.000 kilómetros de costa expuest...
Heavy rainfalls, long-lasting rains for several days in a row, and melting of existing snow in mountainous regions at a certain time of the year are meteorological phenomena characteristic of the territory of Montenegro.These conditions can lead to a...
Obilne padavine, dugotrajne jake kišne serije, u trajanju od nekoliko dana uzastopno, u kombinaciji sa topljenjem postojećeg snijega u planinskim predjelima u određenom dijelu godine su meteorološki fenomeni koji su karakteristični za područ...
Nepal, with its diverse topography, is susceptible to a wide range of hydro- meteorological and geophysical hazards including landslides, glacial lake outburst floods, and earthquakes. The Ganga floodplains receive all the water flowing through the m...
Facing and enduring a natural disaster such as a hurricane, flood, or tornado can be a frightening and challenging experience. It’s also a fact of life for most people who live in the Southeast United States. During times of disaster, it’s import...
The following document is a summary of the Technology Review made for the Immersive Technologies & Digital Games for School Disaster Preparedness Research, launched by the Global Disaster Preparedness Center on 2019. Find further information a...
Guidance material
The purpose of BPI is to save lives, protect livelihoods, and shorten recovery times following disasters. It does this by providing small and medium businesses with adaptable preparedness tools. This guide is for Red Cross and Red Crescent National S...
Guidance material
A collection of resources supporting the Business Preparedness Initiative (BPI) of the GDPC. Visit the BPI Toolkit for complete guidance and how to use these resources.
Guidance material
The BPI Workshop in a Box is a downloadable set of resources that enable any facilitator to run a series of business preparedness and resilience workshops for small and medium organizations. The workshop material is suitable for both for-profit and n...